General Information

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General Information

Incheon was the site of Korea's first rocket launch in 1958!
More than 60 years later, Incheon is paving a new path for the aerospace industry with the Institute for Aerospace Industry-Academia Collaboration.

We have established a virtuous cycle of R&D, human resource development, and employment by integrating companies and universities into one space to become the center of technological innovation and industrial ecosystem in the aerospace industry.

Through this, we will strive to establish ourselves as an innovative partner in the aerospace sector based on our core values of convergent thinking, passion and challenge, global top-tier expertise, aerospace development, creativity and innovation, and will continue to strive to lead the upcoming aerospace era.

Thank you.

사단법인 항공우주산학융합원
(21999) 인천광역시 연수구 갯벌로 36, 항공우주융합캠퍼스 기업연구관 354호
(송도동, 항공우주산학융합원)
ㆍ대표자 : 유창경ㆍTEL : 032-858-9163
Ⓒ 2023. 사단법인 항공우주산학융합원. All Rights Reserved.